Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Did you do your Homework?

If the kids remembered, I sent home directions for them to give you for homework;) I've begun introducing our "how to" writing unit. This activity, "how to" make a leaf rub was designed to be very vague to emphasize the importance of being detailed in explanations for how to writing and to not leave out any steps. I gave them the green sheet and the materials to make a leaf rub and left them to it. They were boggled and ended up with doodles on their paper or hand drawn leaves. I then showed them and we edited the directions together to make it more clear. Their homework was to give this to you to try and then explain why it wouldn't work using those directions and they'd have to hopefully talk you threw it to give better steps! 

See ya later Alligator!

This weeks math focus has been comparing two digit numbers. Students are learning how to compare numbers by looking at place value( how many tens and ones) and using a number line. We created a human number line to compare numbers. We are moving away from "alligator" mouth and actual math talk, greater than less than and equal. The alligator mouth helps them visualize the mouth wanting to eat the larger number but if over used its not teaching them the actual term and significance of a number being compared to another number. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Catching up!

I apologize for the delay in posts!! I thought these posted a while ago and I just noticed it didn't publish! I'll take lots of pictures this week to make up for it. 

Below you will see they created candy corn numbers with the place value representations. We are now comparing numbers(greater than/less than) using place value. If you are confused by any math homework sent home, don't hesitate to ever email me(or text me on remind)with questions. I'm happy to explain and totally understand that even though its first grade math it may be different than how you learned it in elementary school!
To wrap up the opinion writing unit, they wrote about what they would be like if they were a witch. I prompted them with "use your imagination to pretend you are a good witch and had powers to make the world better." They had to use their opinion to write about what they feel would be most important to use their powers on.

We just began our "how to" writing unit. Today they had to work in a group to write the steps to create a PB&J sandwich. After sharing out, they realized the importance of not leaving out ingredients or missing any steps. We will look at a variety of how to samples and they will begin to create their own. I'm looking forward to their thanksgiving how tos! They include; how to disguise a turkey, how to convince your parents you can have pizza on thanksgiving, how to help a turkey escape, and many more creative  prompts!

Fun Run!!

The kids did great working to reach their lap goals during fun run. It sounded like everyone beat their record from last year. Check out the green slips that were sent home to see how many they ran. It wasn't just about the number they ran, they all put in their best effort and had positive attitudes the entire time. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Magic or science?

We experimented with a pencil, wire, clothespins, and a Popsicle stick to try to get it balance on its tip! With the help of the clothespins as counterweight we learned it would help balance the pencil straight up!! They were so proud and amazed with themselves!