Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Learning Letters

We have now met all the letter land characters. We are working hard to memorize letter names and sounds. We have been practicing tracing letters, using flash cards, and doing letter finding activities.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mathematicians in the making

We've been busy learning how to count to 30 and write numbers 1-10. We sing, dance, exercise, stretch, and use silly voices to practice counting daily. There are a variety of fun you tube videos we use (count to 20, get fit count to 100, help me count, and chicken count). Feel free to look them up at home to have fun helping your child practice counting! Here's a look at what we've been doing in math centers...

Look at me I'm Practicing writing numbers!
Doing great showing how to write the number 8! Number sheets put in sleeves to use dry erase markers on. 
We've been practicing writing and representing numbers in a variety of ways. Here is an example of play-doh number mats.

Number puzzles; matching numbers to its different representations ( ten frames, tallies, pictures)