Thursday, June 19, 2014

Last week of kindergarten

I can't believe it, the last week of school is approaching! I'm excited for the fun themed days I have planned for next week. To recap;

Monday- beach day (dress ready for sunshine) Popsicle treat 
Tuesday- bubble day
Wednesday- ice cream sundaes 
Thursday- popcorn and movie day. They can come in light weight pjs(students in flannels on the playground don't last too long) and bring their favorite stuffed animal. 
Friday- end of year celebration @ 2:30

Other important announcements:
* I will be teaching first grade next year. Unfortunately, administration does not take requests. As much as I'd love to take everyone with me, it's not what's in the best interest of everyone. It will be good for most of them to have a fresh start and new dynamic. They can be comforted knowing I'll still be close next year:) 
* We are sad that Dr. Argent will be leaving us because of his great influence at the lake. It will be hard to fill his shoes but if you would like a say in the qualities you want in the next principal, come to an input meeting at the school next Wednesday(voice messenger was sent out). I'll get back to you all on the time. 

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