Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March Madness

We have kicked off literacy week in honor of Dr. Seuss, wacky and spirited as he'd like! Sports day was a success. There was a wide range of unique athletes. Here we have tae kwon do, a cheer leader, and a tough mudder. I most say I was a little surprised how few students were able to match my wacky-ness today!! I understand that there may have been some confusion with yet another snow day. Don't forget to remind your children that tomorrow is lake Myra spirit wear, Friday is book character day, and Saturdays make up day will be PJ day( fun for all). For book character day, you can be creative with what you already have to make up something. Please don't just send in your child with a Halloween costume, unless they have a book to bring in to show what book character they are from. We are really trying to emphasize the importance of reading and get the kids excited about it. All parents are welcome to come in for the parade to see the entire kindergarten and teachers in their costumes! Don't forget to log the minutes you are reading with your child every night. As a kindergarten team our goal is 10,000 minutes and we are at about 6,000. Currently, our class is leading in the entire school!!! Let's try to keep that up, but I need your help at home too. I can't put down how much they are reading at home unless, I know! If you don't know what happened to the slips at home, no problem! Send in a note with how many minutes they read. Thank you for helping make this week a success and spreading the love of reading. 

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