Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fluently subtracting

The past couple weeks we have been creating word problems to practice adding and subtracting to five. This week we focused on subtracting, we talked about key words in word problems to be able to tell its a subtraction problem. Take away and how many are left are the hints we looked for when partners worked together to create their own problems. We began our math lessons with a variety of stories( Five little monkeys, ten on the sled, ten rubber ducks, and many more!) These stories gave the back drop for what our word problems were going to be about. We acted out a few scenarios as a class, and I modeled how to write the subtraction problem to go along with it on the board. Students then paired up to use manipulative and math story mats to practice creating and solving subtraction word problems with five. We are wrapping up this unit by being able to determine if they are given a subtraction or addition word problems.I am going to be giving both types of word problems and they have to determine if they need to subtract or add to solve the problem. They are doing very well with this! Continue to reinforce these problems at home. While they may have it down, it's an important skill to continue to practice fluently to be able to retain. Next week we will move on to adding subtracting with ten.

1 comment:

  1. Several of my parent friends whose children go to other schools have been complaining about the new common core math and how is too difficult for kindergarteners. I don't see that with what you are doing.... Is it because of your inate awesomeness or are we not doing the new common core? I am just curious. They are trying to rally me to join their protest and I have nothing to protest about.
